

3rd Session of the 8th Republican Parliament

The Caroni (1975) Limited and Orange Grove National Company Limited (Divestment and Business Development) Bill (No.2), 2004

An Act to provide for the vesting of the operational undertakings of Caroni (1975) Limited in another company and the vesting of the real estate undertakings of Caroni (1975) Limited and Orange Grove National Company Limited in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and to provide for the management of and for the development of those real estate undertakings

The main purpose of this Bill is to vest the real estate holdings of Caroni (1975) Limited and Orange Grove National Company Limited in the State and to provide for the management thereof and for the development of business thereon, particularly in the areas of industrial light and heavy manufacturing, housing, commerce and agriculture.

The Bill also seeks to provide for the vesting of the operational undertakings of Caroni (1975) Limited in Sugar Manufacturing Company Limited, established to undertake the sugar cane processing and sugar refining business conducted by Caroni (1975) Limited.

This Bill was referred to a Special Select Committee of the Senate.

The Short and Long Titles were amended in the Act and now read as follows:

  • Short Title: The Caroni (1975) Limited and Orange Grove National Company Limited (Divestment) Act, 2005
  • Long Title: An Act to provide for the vesting of the operational undertakings of Caroni (1975) Limited in another company and the vesting of the real estate undertakings of Caroni (1975) Limited and Orange Grove National Company Limited in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago and to provide for the development and management of certain real estate undertakings.
Introduced By:
Patrick Manning
Bill No:
House of Representatives Bill 20 of 2004
Introduced On:
Published In Gazette On
10-Sep-2004, Vol.43 No.160
President of the Republic - Assent


10 Sep 2004
House of Representatives
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Patrick Manning, MP [San Fernando East] [Prime Minister and Minister of Finance]
1 Oct 2004
2nd Reading of the Bill
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
2.Hon. Basdeo Panday, MP [Couva North] [Leader of the Opposition]
3. Dr. Roodal Moonilal, MP [Oropouche] [Opposition Member]
4.Hon. John Rahael, MP [Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West] [Minister of Health]
24 Jan 2005
2nd Reading of the Bill
10 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. John Rahael, MP [Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West] [Minister of Health]
2.Mr. Kelvin Ramnath, MP [Couva South] [Opposition Member]
3.Hon. Jarrette Narine, MP [Arouca North] [Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources]
4.Mr. Gerald Yetming, MP [St. Joseph] [Opposition Member (UNC)]
5.Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Diego Martin East] [Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education]
6.Mr. Winston Dookeran, MP [St. Augustine] [Opposition Member (UNC)]
7.Hon. Dr. Keith Rowley, MP [Diego Martin West] [Minister of Housing]
8.Mr. Manohar Ramsaran, MP [Chaguanas] [Opposition Member (UNC)]
9.Mr. Chandresh Sharma, MP [Fyzabad] [Opposition Member]
10.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
24 Jan 2005
Committee Stage
No amendments were made in Committee Stage.
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
24 Jan 2005
3rd Reading and Passage of the Bill
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
25 Jan 2005
1st Reading of the Bill Hansard
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
5 Apr 2005
2nd Reading of the Bill Hansard
6 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
2.Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
3.Sen. Dr. Kenneth Ramchand [Independent Senator]
4.Sen. the Hon. Satish Ramroop [Minister of State in the Ministry of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education]
5.Sen. Sadiq Baksh [Opposition Senator]
6.Sen. Dr. Eastlyn McKenzie [Independent Senator]
12 Apr 2005
2nd Reading of the Bill Hansard
7 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. Dr. Jennifer Kernahan [Opposition Senator]
2.Sen. Dr. Ramesh Deosaran [Independent Senator]
3.Sen. the Hon. Danny Montano [Minister of Legal Affairs]
4.Sen. Roy Augustus [Opposition Senator]
5.Sen. Mary King [Independent Senator]
6.Sen. Basharat Ali [Independent Senator]
7.Sen. Brother Noble Khan [Independent Senator]
19 Apr 2005
2nd Reading of the Bill Hansard
8 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. Brother Noble Khan [Independent Senator]
2.Sen. Robin Montano [Opposition Senator]
3.Sen. Dana Seetahal, SC [Independent Senator]
4.Sen. the Hon. Joan Yuille-Williams [Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs]
5.Sen. Carolyn Seepersad-Bachan [Opposition Senator]
6.Sen. Parvatee Anmolsingh-Mahabir [Independent Senator]
7.Sen. Angela Cropper [Independent Senator]
8.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
19 Apr 2005
Referred to Committee Hansard
[See committee for Caroni and Orange Grove Bill, 2004 of the 3rd Session of the 8th Parliament]
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
25 Aug 2005
Committee Report Laid Hansard
[See committee for Caroni and Orange Grove Bill, 2004 of the 3rd Session of the 8th Parliament]
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Joan Yuille-Williams [Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs]
26 Aug 2005
Committee Report Debated and Adopted Hansard
[See committee for Caroni and Orange Grove Bill, 2004 of the 3rd Session of the 8th Parliament]
11 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Joan Yuille-Williams [Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs]
2.Sen. Dr. Kenneth Ramchand [Independent Senator]
3.Sen. Basharat Ali [Independent Senator]
4.Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
5.Sen. Dr. Jennifer Kernahan [Opposition Senator]
6.Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
7.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
8.Sen. Sadiq Baksh [Opposition Senator]
9.Sen. Brother Noble Khan [Independent Senator]
10.Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
11.Sen. the Hon. Joan Yuille-Williams [Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs]
26 Aug 2005
3rd Reading and Passage of the Bill Hansard
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
5 Sep 2005
House of Representatives
Senate Amendments
3 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
2. Dr. Roodal Moonilal, MP [Oropouche] [Opposition Member]
3.Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Arouca South] [Minister of Planning and Development]
15 Sep 2005
President of the Republic
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