
Senator Dana Seetahal SC

Ms. Dana Seetahal first entered Parliament in 2002 as an Independent Senator in the 7th Republican Parliament. She was again appointed a Senator in the 8th and 9th Parliaments. Ms. Seetahal was an attorney-at-law and a lecturer at the Hugh Wooding Law School. She obtained a Bachelor of Laws from the University of the West Indies, a Masters Degree in Criminology from Florida State University and was a Fulbright Scholar. Before being appointed as an Independent Senator, Ms. Seetahal also served as a State Prosecutor, Assistant Solicitor General and a Magistrate. She also wrote a column in one of the daily newspapers. Ms. Seetahal was murdered on May 4, 2014.

Maiden Contribution

The Senate - Monday October 28, 2002 The Appropriation Bill, 2003