

1st Session of the 9th Republican Parliament

The Financial Institutions Bill, 2008

An Act to provide for the regulation of banks and other financial institutions which engage in the business of banking and business of a financial nature, for matters incidental thereto and for the repeal of the Financial Institutions Act, 1993.

The Bill as introduced consists of 132 clauses and seven Schedules. The Bill requires a special (three-fifths) majority in order to be passed.


  1. The Financial Institutions Bill, 1993
  2. The Financial Institutions (Amendment) Bill, 2006
Introduced By:
Karen Nunez-Tesheira
Bill No:
House of Representatives Bill 24 of 2008
Introduced On:
President of the Republic - Assent


7 Nov 2008
House of Representatives
Bill as at first reading in the House of Representatives.
The page numbering on this electronic bill differs from the printed copy
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
14 Nov 2008
2nd Reading of the Bill Hansard
9 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
2.Mr. Vasant Bharath, MP [St. Augustine] [Opposition Member]
3.Hon. Esther Le Gendre, MP [Tunapuna] [Minister of Education]
4. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, MP [Caroni East] [Opposition Member]
5.Hon. Marlene McDonald, MP [Port-of-Spain South] [Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs]
6.Mr. Jack Warner, MP [Chaguanas West] [Opposition Member]
7.Hon. Peter Taylor, MP [Princes Town South/Tableland] [Minister of Legal Affairs]
8.Mr. Chandresh Sharma, MP [Fyzabad] [Opposition Member]
9.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
14 Nov 2008
Committee Stage Hansard
amendment made in the House of Representatives
14 Nov 2008
3rd Reading and Passage of the Bill Hansard
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
18 Nov 2008
Bill as at First Reading in the Senate
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Mariano Browne [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
2 Dec 2008
2nd Reading of the Bill Hansard
13 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
2.Sen. Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
3.Sen. Subhas Ramkhelawan [Independent Senator]
4.Sen. the Hon. Dr. Emily Gaynor Dick-Forde [Minister of Planning, Housing and the Environment]
5.Sen. Lyndira Oudit [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
6.Sen. Helen Drayton [Independent Senator]
7.Sen. Mohammed Faisal Rahman [Opposition Senator]
8.Sen. Dr. Ramesh Deosaran [Independent Senator]
9.Sen. the Hon. Conrad Enill [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries]
10.Sen. Dr. Carson Charles [Opposition Senator]
11.Sen. Gail Merhair [Independent Senator]
12.Sen. Dr. Jennifer Kernahan [Opposition Senator]
13.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
2 Dec 2008
amendments made in the Senate
2 Dec 2008
3rd Reading and Passage of the Bill Hansard
Senate amendments placed on the House Order Paper on 5 December 2008.
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Karen Nunez-Tesheira, MP [D’Abadie/O’Meara] [Minister of Finance]
12 Dec 2008
House of Representatives
Senate Amendments Hansard
Senate amendments agreed to by the House of Representatives
3 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Mariano Browne [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
2. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, MP [Caroni East] [Opposition Member]
3.Hon. Colm Imbert, MP [Diego Martin North/East] [Minister of Works and Transport]
19 Dec 2008
President of the Republic
Act 26 of 2008
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