
Latest Bills

Latest Acts

The full text of all Acts of Parliament passed since Act 2 of 1999 is accessible in this area of the website. All laws of Trinidad and Tobago can be found on the Digital Legislative Library website. This website is not maintained or updated by the Office of the Parliament.

Committee Reports


Links to all electronic Hansard debates can be found here. When data entry is complete, the Hansard Debates of the entire 5th-12th republican Parliaments will be accessible here, as well as most of the 4th Republican Parliament. Some sittings of the 3rd Parliament, including Friday July 27th, 1990, the day of the attempted coup, have been posted.

Standing Orders

Click on the links below to view the respective documents. The documents require Adobe Acrobat Reader 7 or later in order to view. Use this link to download and install the Reader.

Standing Orders of the Senate

Revised - September 2016