

3rd Session of the 8th Republican Parliament

The Old Age Pensions (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2004

An Act to amend the Old Age Pensions Act, Chap.32:02 and to validate certain things done thereunder

* This Bill was debated together with the Public Assistance (Amendment and Validation) Bill, 2004.
* The Bill lapsed upon the prorogation of the 3rd Session of the Eighth Parliament on 08 September 2005.

Introduced By:
Mustapha Abdul-Hamid
Bill No:
House of Representatives Bill 32 of 2004
Introduced On:
Published In Gazette On
18-Oct-2004, Vol.43 No.190
House of Representatives - Bill Lapsed


18 Oct 2004
House of Representatives
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid [Minister of Social Development]
19 Nov 2004
2nd Reading of the Bill
5 speakersShow Speakers
1.Sen. the Hon. Mustapha Abdul-Hamid [Minister of Social Development]
2.Mr. Harry Partap, MP [Nariva] [Opposition Member]
3.Mr. Manohar Ramsaran, MP [Chaguanas] [Opposition Member (UNC)]
4.Mr. Nizam Baksh, MP [Naparima] [Opposition Member]
5.Mr. Chandresh Sharma, MP [Fyzabad] [Opposition Member]
8 Sep 2005
Bill Lapsed
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