The Miscellaneous Provisions (Local Government Reform) Bill, 2020
An Act to amend the Municipal Corporations Act, Chap. 25:04, the Burial Grounds Act, Chap. 30:50, the Cremation Act, Chap 30:51, the Advertisements Regulation Act, Chap. 30:53, the Recreation Grounds and Pastures Act, Chap. 41:01, the Highways Act, Chap. 48:01, the Dogs Act, Chap. 67:54 the Property Taxes Act, Chap. 76:04 and the Planning and Facilitation of Development Act, No. 10 of 2014.
Bill continued in the 2nd Session of the 12th Parliament
For consideration and report by December 31, 2020.

Presented in the House on July 2, 2021 and in the Senate on July 5, 2021

Division: 20 for, none against, 12 abstentions
Bill at first reading in the Senate
(incorporating House of Representatives amendments)

no amendments made

Division: 24 for, none against, 6 abstentions