Category: 1990 - Present Day

Weather Vane

With the re-election of the People’s National Movement in 1992, the Red House became, once again, the center of controversy when a decision was taken to remove the resident sea serpent atop the building in order to replace it with a dove bearing an olive branch in its beak. The..Read More

Eternal Flame

As a temporary measure, sittings of both the Lower and Upper Houses (two each) were held at the Auditorium of the Central Bank, but with the opening of the Fifth Session of the Third Parliament on November 5, 1990, sittings were once again held in the Red House, not at..Read More

Update on Restoration

On March 26, 2013 during initial excavation work undertaken as part of the Restoration of the Red House, a number of skeletal remains, cultural and historical artifacts were found on the site. Subsequently, a composite of material comprising human bones, fragments of animal bones, shells, pottery and other artifacts were..Read More


A decision was taken to move the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago to the Waterfront Complex, Tower D located on 1A, Wrightson Road to better facilitate the restoration works needed.


On Friday July 27, 1990 at 6:05 p.m., armed gunmen stormed the Parliament Chamber where the House of Representatives was in session, taking the then Prime Minister, eight of his Cabinet Ministers and six other Members of Parliament hostage. The Red House suffered gravely from this invasion since the building..Read More

Present Day

The Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago is bicameral, consisting of a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Parliament as a whole is charged with certain responsibilities and is given special powers and privileges in order to effectively carry out its functions. Included among the latter are freedom of speech..Read More