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There are currently 17 definitions in this directory beginning with the letter R.
reading of a bill
One of the stages of the passage of a bill. The reading stages (first, second and third) each have their own individual function.

recall of the House
Pursuant to the Standing Orders, the Speaker/President of the Senate may recall the House, when it stands adjourned during a session, to meet prior to the date to which it stands adjourned.

The period between the ending of one session (prorogation) and the beginning of the next. Also used in reference to a long adjournment.
Distinguish: adjournment of the House; suspension of a sitting.

recommittal (of a bill)
The referral of a bill back to committee for further amendment in a specific area or for the reconsideration of a certain clause or clauses. The recommittal is moved as an amendment to the motion for third reading of the bill.

recorded vote
A vote where the names of those voting for and against a motion are registered in the official record of the House or of one of its committees. A recorded division may be requested by any member calling "Division". Members vote by roll call.

referral (to a committee)
The sending of a bill (before or after second reading), paper, instrument or a question to a committee for study and report. Depending on the objectives of the referral, it may be made to a sessional, special or Joint committee.

report progress
To report to the House from a Committee of the Whole, indicating that the committee has not concluded its deliberations. Such a report is necessary because a Committee of the Whole has no power to adjourn its own sitting or to adjourn consideration of a matter to a future sitting.

report stage
The stage at which the House considers a bill as reported by a committee, with amendments, if any.

report to the House
An oral or written statement by a committee to the House, giving the results of an inquiry or requesting additional powers.

Pursuant to an order of the House, a formal reproof addressed by the Speaker/President of the Senate to an offender adjudged guilty of a breach of privilege or of a contempt of the House.
Compare: admonition.

reprint (of a bill)
If a bill is amended substantially at committee stage, the committee may order a reprint when it reports the bill to the House. When a bill receives third reading, it may again be reprinted.

rescind a resolution
To cancel the effect of a resolution previously adopted by the House. The motion proposed concerns the rescinding of the resolution and hence does not deal a second time with a question already decided during the session.
synonym : revoke a resolution.

A motion adopted by the House in order to make a declaration of opinion or purpose.

responsible government
The principle that ministers are collectively responsible to the Parliament for the actions of the Government. The legislative branch of government thus exercises control over the executive.

right of reply
The right of the mover of a substantive motion or a motion for second reading of a bill to speak a second time in debate. This second speech closes the debate.

routine motion
A motion required for the observance of the proprieties of the House, the maintenance of its authority, the management of its business, the arrangement of its proceedings, the establishing of the powers of its committees, the correctness of its records or the fixing of its sitting days or the times of its meeting or adjournment.

routine proceedings
Business of a basic nature including such items as tabling documents, presenting petitions, introduction and first reading of bills and statements by ministers.