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There are currently 7 definitions in this directory beginning with the letter G.
Areas in the House set aside for the public, the press and distinguished visitors who wish to attend a sitting.

general election
An election following dissolution at which MPs are selected for every electoral district. MPs are elected by a simple plurality of the votes, which are cast by secret ballot.
Compare: by-election.

The political party/group of parties (coalition) with the most representatives in the Parliament usually forms the Government

government bill
Any bill introduced by a Minister.

government business
Any bill or motion introduced in the House by a Minister or Parliamentary Secretary.

grandfather clause
A clause protecting a prerogative of an individual or a collectivity from being affected by the new legislation.

green paper
A document containing Government policy proposals, issued for discussion purposes. Such a document does not represent a Government commitment to introduce legislation or to adopt a particular position.

Distinguish: white paper.

Synonym: discussion paper.