

5th Session of the 5th Republican Parliament

The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) Bill, 2000

An Act to provide for the Supplementary Appropriation for the service of Trinidad and Tobago for the financial year ending September 30, 2000

Introduced By:
Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj
Bill No:
House of Representatives Bill 26 of 2000
Introduced In:
Introduced On:
Published In Gazette On
22-Sep-2000, Vol.39 No.185
President of the Republic - Assent


22 Sep 2000
House of Representatives
1st Reading of the Bill
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, SC, MP [Couva South] [Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs]
22 Sep 2000
2nd Reading of the Bill
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Dr. Morgan Job, MP [Tobago East] [Minister of Tobago Affairs and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development]
22 Sep 2000
3rd Reading and Passage of the Bill
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Dr. Morgan Job, MP [Tobago East] [Minister of Tobago Affairs and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development]
26 Sep 2000
1st Reading of the Bill Hansard
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Dr. Morgan Job, MP [Tobago East] [Minister of Tobago Affairs and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development]
26 Sep 2000
2nd Reading of the Bill Hansard
13 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Dr. Morgan Job, MP [Tobago East] [Minister of Tobago Affairs and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development]
2.Sen. Danny Montano [Opposition Senator]
3.Sen. Martin Daly [Independent Senator]
4.Sen. Dr. Eric St. Cyr [Independent Senator]
5.Sen. Nafeesa Mohammed [Opposition Senator]
6.Sen. Diana Mahabir-Wyatt [Independent Senator]
7.Sen. the Hon. Wade Mark [Minister of Public Administration]
8.Sen. Muhummad Shabazz [Opposition Senator]
9.Sen. the Hon. Finbar Gangar [Minister of Energy and Energy Industries]
10.Sen. Rev. Daniel Teelucksingh [Independent Senator]
11.Sen. Dr. Kenneth Ramchand [Independent Senator]
12.Sen. Joan Yuille-Williams [Opposition Senator]
13.Hon. Dr. Morgan Job, MP [Tobago East] [Minister of Tobago Affairs and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development]
26 Sep 2000
3rd Reading and Passage of the Bill Hansard
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Hon. Dr. Morgan Job, MP [Tobago East] [Minister of Tobago Affairs and Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Development]
27 Sep 2000
President of the Republic
Act 62 of 2000.
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