Annul the Freedom of Information (Exemption) Order, 2017
- 3rd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS it is provided by Section 5(1)(c) of the Freedom of Information Act, Chap. 22:02, that the President may, by Order exempt public authorities from the application of the Act;
AND WHEREAS the Freedom of Information (Exemption) Order, 2017 was published on December 14, 2017 by Legal Notice No. 151;
AND WHEREAS this Order seeks to exempt the Strategic Services Agency from the application of the Freedom of Information Act;
AND WHEREAS the proposed exemption will remove access to information by citizens, interest groups and the media, all of whom have an interest in the policies, rules and practices of the Strategic Services Agency inter alia;
AND WHEREAS this Order will directly affect the transparency, openness, accountability and the necessary checks and balances on all aspects of the operations of the Strategic Services Agency to avoid any potential misuse of office and/or abuse of power:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Freedom of Information (Exemption) Order, 2017 be annulled.
(By the Member for Naparima)
(By Senator Wade Mark)