

Private Motion – Government’s Handling of Crime

Senate - 5th Session - 8th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS the fears and concerns of law-abiding citizens have increased over the worsening crime situation in Trinidad and Tobago, resulting in severe psychological, social and economic consequences;

AND WHEREAS the Government has expended vast sums of money on resources for fighting crime and on foreign expertise and assistance with no visible effect on the spiraling crime situation;

BE IT RESOLVED that this Senate:

  1. express its concern over Government’s performance in handling crime;
  2. call on the Government to explain to the Senate why the actions of the relevant agencies have so far consistently failed to produce the desired results; and
  3. agree that the Government outline, with specific performance targets and mechanisms for accountability, what concrete measures it intends to take to deal effectively with the serious crime situation now facing the country so as to facilitate the pathway to national consensus and civic mobilization.

(By Senator Prof. Ramesh Deosaran)

30 Jan 2007
Senate Debate - Day 1Hansard
1 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Dr. Ramesh Deosaran [Independent Senator]
27 Feb 2007
Senate Debate - Day 2Hansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Wade Mark [Opposition Senator]
2.Senator Overand Padmore [Government Senator (Temporary)]
3.Senator Dana Seetahal SC [Independent Senator]
4.Senator Harry Persad Mungalsingh [Opposition Senator]
27 Mar 2007
Senate Debate - Day 3Hansard
5 speakersShow Speakers
1. Dr. Glenn Ramadharsingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
2.Senator Dr. Eastlyn McKenzie [Independent Senator]
3.The Honourable Mustapha Abdul-Hamid [Minister of Science, Technology and Tertiary Education]
5.Senator Althea Rocke [Independent Senator (Temporary)]
24 Apr 2007
Senate Debate - Day 4Hansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator the Honourable Martin Joseph [Minister of National Security]
2.Senator Ronald Phillip [Opposition Senator]
22 May 2007
Senate Debate - Day 5Hansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator the Honourable Hazel Manning [Minister of Education]
2.Senator Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator]
3.Senator the Honourable Mary King [Independent Senator]
4.Senator Brother Noble Khan [Independent Senator]
3 Jul 2007
Senate Debate - Day 6Hansard
3 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Dr. Kenneth Ramchand [Independent Senator]
2.Senator the Honourable Joan Yuille-Williams [Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs]
3.Senator Dr. Ramesh Deosaran [Independent Senator]