Extension of State of Emergency for a period of three months
House of Representatives - 5th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS it is enacted by section 8(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago that the President may from time to time make a Proclamation declaring that a state of public emergency exists;
AND WHEREAS the President has by Proclamation made on the 30th day of December, 2024, declared that a state of public emergency exists in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago;
AND WHEREAS it is enacted by section 9(2) of the Constitution that a Proclamation made by the President for the purposes of and in accordance with section 8 shall, unless previously revoked, remain in force for fifteen days;
AND WHEREAS it is enacted by section 10(1) of the Constitution that before its expiration the Proclamation may be extended from time to time by resolution supported by a simple majority vote of the House of Representatives, so however that no extension exceeds three months and the extensions do not in the aggregate exceed six months;
AND WHEREAS it is necessary and expedient that the Proclamation made by the President on the 30th day of December, 2024 declaring that a state of public emergency exists in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, should be extended for a further period, not exceeding three months:
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Proclamation made by the President on the 30th day of December, 2024 declaring that a state of public emergency exists in the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago be extended for a further period of three months.
(By the Prime Minister)