Approve the Children’s Community Residences (Children’s Homes) Regulations, 2018
House of Representatives - 3rd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS it is provided by section 53(1)(a),(d),(e),(f) and (g) of the Children's Community Residences, Foster Care and Nurseries Act, Chap. 46:04 (hereinafter referred to as 'the Act') that the Authority may, with the approval of the Minister, make Regulations for, inter alia,
- (a) the management of any community residence...;
- (d) the imposition of requirements as to the accommodation and equipment to be provided in residences, foster homes and nurseries;
- (e) the medical arrangements to be made for protecting the health of the children in Community Residences and foster homes;
- (f) the provision of information to the Authority by the Managers as to the facilities provided for the parents or guardians of children in Community Residences and foster homes, to visit and communicate with the children and where not provided to authorise the Authority to give directions as to the provision of such facilities; and
- (g) all such matters and things... for effectively carrying into operation the provisions of the Act:
AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 53(2) of the Act that Regulations made under this section shall be subject to affirmative resolution of Parliament:
AND WHEREAS the Children's Community Residences (Children's Homes) Regulations, 2018 were made by the Authority under section 53(1) of the Act on the 20th day of February, 2018 and approved by the Minister on the 5th day of March, 2018:
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to approve the said Regulations:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Children's Community Residences (Children's Homes) Regulations, 2018 be approved.
(By the Minister in the Office of the Prime Minister)