House of Representatives


Adopt Report – Joint Select Committee on Public Broadcast of Debates

- 3rd Session - 8th Republican Parliament

BE IT RESOLVED that this Senate adopt the Report of the Joint Select Committee appointed to consider and report on the Public Broadcast of Debates and Business of both Houses

(By the Minister of Social Development)

14 Dec 2004
Senate DebateHansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.The Honourable Mustapha Abdul-Hamid [Minister of Social Development]
2.Senator Dr. Ramesh Deosaran [Independent Senator]
3.Senator the Honourable Dr. Lenny Saith [Minister of Public Administration and Information]
4.The Honourable Mustapha Abdul-Hamid [Minister of Social Development]
2 Mar 2005
House Debate
3 speakersShow Speakers
1.The Honourable Dr. Keith Rowley [Diego Martin West] [Minister of Housing]
2. Dr. Roodal Moonilal [Oropouche] [Opposition Member]
3.The Honourable Dr. Keith Rowley [Diego Martin West] [Minister of Housing]