5th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon, Sen. the Hon. Richie Sookhai, Sen. the Hon. Hassel Bacchus, Sen. the Hon. Renuka Sagramsingh-Sooklal and Sen. Wade Mark, who are all out of the country. Ms. Yokymma Bethelmy, Mr. Ndale Young, Mr. Michael Seales, Mr. Harvey Borris and Dr. Tim Gopeesingh were appointed temporary senators in their place.
Temporary Senators Bethelmy, Young, Seales, Borris and Gopeesingh took the oath of allegiance.
The President of the Senate informed of correspondence received from the Speaker of the House on the establishment of a Joint Select Committee to consider and report on the Representation of the People (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 2020 and the appointment of six members to the Committee.
Five papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Two reports were presented. See the Order Paper.
One urgent question was posed and answered.
Nine Questions qualified for oral answer. See the Order Paper.
The Leader of Government Business moved a Motion asking the Senate to approve the appointment of six Senators to the Joint Select Committee on the Representation of the People (Amendment)(No.2) Bill, 2020. The Senate agreed.
Senator Jayanti Lutchmedial moved a Private Motion by Senator Wade Mark asking for the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Exemption)(Financing Services) Order, 2023 to be annulled. The Minister of Finance was first to join the debate. There were four more contributions to the debate before the wind up by Sen. Lutchmedial. With 11 votes for, 17 votes against and no abstentions, the motion was not approved.
Sen Anthony Vieira raised a matter on the adjournment regarding assistance for nationals in the Middle East who are at risk by the escalating conflict between Gaza and Israel. The Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs, Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne, responded.
The Senate brought greetings to the Hindu community on the upcoming celebration of Divali. The Sitting concluded at 5:25 p.m.