

Annul the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Exemption)(Financing Services) Order, 2023

Senate - 4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS by virtue of Section 7(6)(e) of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Property Act, 2015 (“the Act”), the Minister of Finance may upon his initiative with the agreement of the Office of Procurement Regulation subject to the negative resolution of Parliament, by Order, determine that the Act shall not apply to services provided to public bodies or State-controlled enterprises;

AND WHEREAS by the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Exemption) (Financing Services) Order, 2023 published on the 8th September 2023 by Legal Notice 270 dated 7th September 2023, provided at Clause 3 of the said Order that the Act does not apply to the procurement of financing services by the Ministry with responsibility for finance for –
(a) central government; or
(b) a public body, where the financing services are to be guaranteed by the Government;

AND WHEREAS the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Exemption) (Financing Services) Order, 2023 is contrary to the principles of good governance, namely accountability, transparency, integrity and value for money;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property (Exemption) (Financing Services) Order, 2023 be annulled.

(By Senator Wade Mark)

7 Nov 2023
Senate Debate - Day 1Hansard

11 votes for, 17 votes against, no abstentions

6 speakersShow Speakers
2.The Honourable Colm Imbert [Diego Martin North/East] [Minister of Finance]
3.Senator Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Opposition Senator (Temporary)]
4.Senator Sunity Maharaj [Independent Senator]
5.Senator Dr. Maria Dillon-Remy [Independent Senator]