House of Representatives


31st Sitting of the House of Representatives

1st Session - 12th Republican Parliament

Wednesday 30 June, 2021
10:30 AM
Presentation Of Reports From Select Committees
Two Reports

Two reports were presented. See Order Paper for details.

Hon. Brian Manning, MP [Minister in the Ministry of Finance]
Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]
Introduction Of Bills
The Tobago Island Government Bill, 2021

The Tobago Island Government Bill, 2021 was introduced in the name of the Minister of Planning and Development, who moved that the next stage of the bill be taken later in the proceedings. The motion was approved.

Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]
Motions Relating To The Business Or Sittings Of The House And Moved By A Minister Or Parliamentary Secretary
Continuation of Committee work in the 2nd Session of the 12th Parliament

The Leader of the House, Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP, moved that the proceedings of The Fisheries Management (No. 2) Bill, 2020 and The Representation of the People (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 2020 be resumed in the Second Session of the 12th Parliament. The motion was approved.

Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Tobago Island Government Bill, 2021

The Minister of Planning and Development, Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP, moved the second reading of The Tobago Island Government Bill, 2021. The Attorney General was the sole contributor to the bill. Following the wind up of the bill, it was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. No clauses were considered.

Hon. Camille Robinson-Regis, MP [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]
Hon. Faris Al-Rawi SC, MP [Minister of Rural Development and Local Government]
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Constitution (Amendment) (Tobago Self-Government) Bill, 2020

The House resumed the Committee Stage of the Constitution (Amendment) (Tobago Self-Government) Bill, 2020. No clauses were considered.

The House adjourned to Friday July 2, 2021 at 1:30 p.m.

The Sitting concluded at 11:52 a.m.