28th Sitting of the House of Representatives
4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Dr. Lackram Bodoe, MP for Fyzabad from today’s Sitting of the House.
One paper was laid.
One report was presented.
Seven questions were posed to the Prime Minister by Opposition Members. All questions were answered.
The Prime Minister, Hon. Dr. Keith Rowley, MP, made a statement regarding the Strategic Services Agency (SSA) and Firearms.
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Global Forum) Bill, 2024 was introduced in the name of the Minister of Finance, Hon. Colm Imbert, MP.
The Civil Division Bill, 2024, the Constitution (Amendment) (Tobago Self-Government) Bill, 2022 and the Tobago Island Government Bill, 2021 were carried over to the 5th Session.
The Minister of Energy and Energy Industries, Hon. Stuart Young, MP, moved the second reading of The Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) (Amendment No. 2) Bill, 2024 in the House of Representatives. The Member for Barataria/San Juan, Mr. Saddam Hosein, MP, was the sole contributor to the bill. The bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. The bill was approved with amendments.
The Attorney General and Minister of Legal Affairs, Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour, S.C., moved the second reading of The Miscellaneous Provisions (Judicial and Legal Service) Bill, 2024 in the House of Representatives. Debate began on the bill. Six members contributed to the bill before the wind up by the Attorney General. The bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. No amendments were made. With 20 votes for, 17 votes against and no abstentions, the bill was read a third time and passed.
The Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell, moved the second reading of the National Musical Instrument Bill, 2024. The Member for Moruga/Tableland, Ms. Michelle Benjamin, MP, was the sole contributor to the debate. The bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. No amendments were made. The bill was read a third time and passed.
The Sitting concluded at 8:49 p.m.