19th Sitting of the House of Representatives
3rd Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Mr. Rushton Paray, MP for Mayaro, from today’s Sitting of the House.
Three papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Two Reports from Committees were presented. See the Order Paper.
Nine questions were posed to the Prime Minister by Opposition Members.
One urgent question was posed and answered.
The Member for Chaguanas West, Ms. Vandana Mohit, moved a motion calling on the Government to outline its short, medium and long term strategies to systematically reduce the escalating and uncontrollable increase in the price of essential goods and services accessed by the population of Trinidad and Tobago and to take the necessary urgent action to immediately remedy the negative effects upon those living below the poverty line. Six members contributed to the debate before the Sitting was adjourned.
The House brought greetings to the Spiritual Baptist Community on the observance of Spiritual Baptist Day on March 30. The Sitting concluded at 6:10 p.m.