16th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Sen. Hazel Thompson-Ahye and Sen. Taharqa Obika, who are out of the country. Ms. Zola Phillips and Mr. Brian Baig were appointed temporary Senators in their place.
Temporary Senators Zola Phillips and Brian Baig took the oath of allegiance.
One paper was laid. See Order Paper for details.
One report was presented. See Order Paper.
Two urgent questions were posed.
Three questions qualified for oral answer.
The Minister in the Ministry of the Attorney General and Legal Affairs, Hon. Fitzgerald Hinds, MP, moved the second reading of The Trespass (Amendment) Bill, 2019. Debate began on the Bill. Following the wind up, the Bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause.
Sen. Wade Mark raised a matter on the adjournment regarding the need for the State to ensure the safety and security of Cedros fishermen whilst fishing in Trinidad and Tobago’s waters. The Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries responded.
The Sitting concluded at 9:34 p.m. The Senate adjourned to a date to be fixed.