15th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 11th Republican Parliament
The Trespass (Amendment) Bill, 2019 was brought from the House of Representatives.
Three papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
Two reports were presented.
Four urgent questions were posed.
Four questions qualified for oral answer.
Debate continued on The Sexual Offences (Amendment) Bill, 2019. Following the debate, the Acting Leader of Government Business moved a motion that a Special Select Committee be appointed to consider and report on the Bill by March 29, 2019. Eleven Senators were appointed to the Committee. The motion was approved.
Sen. Saddam Hosein raised a matter on the adjournment regarding the effect of the political crisis in Venezuela on Trinidad and Tobago and the nature of documentation for registered asylum seekers. The Minister of Foreign and CARICOM Affairs responded.
Sen. Wade Mark raised a matter regarding the need for the Government to report on the progress made to ensure that legislation on Parliamentary autonomy as approved by the Senate in the 3rd Session is introduced for consideration by the Houses of Parliament in the 4th Session of the 11th Parliament. The Attorney General responded.
The Sitting concluded at 7:53 p.m. The Senate adjourned to Tuesday February 19, 2019 at 1:30 p.m.