House of Representatives


15th Sitting of the House of Representatives

5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Friday 9 January, 2015
10:00 AM
Announcements By The Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Leave of Absence

The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Tunapuna (Jan 5-11) and the Member for San Fernando East (today). At the end of the sitting the Speaker also announced granting leave to the Prime Minister (today’s sitting)

Announcements By The Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Tributes to Martin Joseph

The Minister of Science and Technology and Minister of Sport, The Leader of the Opposition and the Speaker of the House paid tribute to former Member of Parliament for St. Ann’s East, Martin Joseph, who passed away on Monday January 5, 2015.

Announcements By The Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Senate Appointments to Committees

The Speaker read correspondence from the President of the Senate indicating the names of Senators appointed to several Joint Committees.

19 Papers

19 Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.

Presentation Of Reports From Select Committees
Report of the Standing Finance Committee

The Minister of Finance and the Economy presented the First Report (in the Fifth Session of the Tenth Parliament) of the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives on the consideration of proposals for the Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation for the fiscal year 2014

Questions To Ministers: Oral Answer
19 Questions

19 Questions qualified for oral answer. Ten Questions were answered.

Introduction Of Bills
Two Bills

Two Bills, The Finance Bill and the Finance (Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation) (Financial Year 2014) Bill, 2015, were introduced by the Minister of Finance and the Economy, who will move that the next stage of the Bills be taken later in the proceedings.

Government Business: Motions
Adopt the Report of the Standing Finance Committee

The Minister of Finance and the Economy moved a Motion asking the House to adopt the First Report of the Standing Finance Committee of the House of Representatives for the Fifth Session (2014/2015), Tenth Parliament on the consideration of proposals for the Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation for the fiscal year 2014. The Leader of the Opposition was first to enter the debate, followed by the Minister of Housing and Urban Development, the Member for Chaguanas West and the Minister of Works and Infrastructure. 11 Members made contributions before the Minister of Finance and the Economy rose to conclude. The Motion was approved.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Finance (Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation)(Financial Year 2014) Bill, 2015

The Minister of Finance and the Economy moved the second reading of the Finance (Supplementation and Variation of Appropriation)(Financial Year 2014) Bill, 2015. The Bill was then read a third time and passed.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Finance Bill, 2015

The Minister of Finance and the Economy then moved the second reading of the Finance Bill, 2015. The Member for Diego Martin North/East was first to enter the debate, followed by the Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs, the Leader of the Opposition, the Minister of Transport, the Member for Port-of-Spain North/St. Ann’s West and the Minister of Education. Nine members made contributions before the Minister of Finance and the Economy rose to conclude. The Bill was read a second time. The Bill was then committed to a Committee of the whole where it was considered clause by clause and approved with amendments. It was then read a third time and passed.

The House adjourned to Wednesday January 21, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.

At the next sitting of the House debate is expected on a Motion to approve the notification of the President of the nomination of Dr. Maria Therese Gomes for appointment as a member of the Police Service Commission. Debate is also expected on Motions related to the approval of regulations pertaining to children, as well as the Adoption of Children (Amendment) Bill, 2014. The sitting ended at 2:48 a.m.