14th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
The President of the House read correspondence received from the Speaker of the House on the establishment of a Joint Select Committee to consider and report on The Constitution (Amendment) (Tobago Self-Government) Bill, 2018.
The Anti-Gang Bill, 2018 was brought from the House of Representatives.
Sixteen papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
Three Reports were presented. See Order Paper for details.
Two urgent questions were posed.
Three questions qualified for oral answer. See Order Paper for details.
Sen. Obika requested leave to move the adjournment of the House on a definite matter of urgent public importance namely the failure of the Government to effectively manage the Trinidad and Tobago Seabridge. The President of the Senate was satisfied that this matter qualified to be raised. With the support of the Senate, she ruled that this motion will stand over until 6:00 p.m.
The Leader of Government Business moved a motion to concur with the House on the establishment of a JSC to consider and report on The Constitution (Amendment) (Tobago Self-Government) Bill, 2018. This motion was approved. Six Senators were approved to serve on this Committee.
Debate continued (from February 27, 2018) on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters, Proceeds of Crime, Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago, Customs and Exchange Control) Bill, 2017. Sen. Gerald Ramdeen was first to contribute, followed by Sen. Stephen Creese. The Attorney General then rose to wind up the debate. The Bill was read a second time. The House then resolved itself into Committee to consider the Bill clause by clause. Amendments were made. The Bill was read a third time and passed.
Sen. Taharqa Obika made a motion on the ineffective management of the Trinidad and Tobago sea bridge. The Minister of Works and Transport, Sen. the Hon. Rohan Sinanan was first to respond, follwed by Sen. Saddam Hosein, Sen. Nigel De Freitas, Sen. Anita Haynes, Sen. the Hon. Franklin Khan and Sen. Wade Mark.
Sen. Wade Mark raised a matter on the adjournment namely the need for the Government to explain its decision to establish a national investment fund to secure the assets of CLICO and CL Financial and its implications on wealth ownership and distribution in the country. The Minister in the Ministry of Finance responded.
Sen. Saddam Hosein raised a matter on the failure of the Government to properly manage and administer our nation?s prisons, resulting in the safety and security of Prison Officers and their families, and Inmates being compromised. The Minister of National Security responded.