Unparliamentary Conduct of Opposition Senators
Senate - 2nd Session - 12th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS all Senators have a duty to uphold the dignity, discipline and decorum of Parliament and defend it against disrespect;
AND WHEREAS failure to uphold the dignity of Parliament, by disregarding its rules, by using unparliamentary language, by disobeying and ignoring the authority of the Presiding Officer, diminishes and erodes public confidence in said institution;
AND WHEREAS conduct calculated to obstruct, intimidate or impede Members in the discharge of their duties is a breach of privilege;
AND WHEREAS all Opposition Senators who were present at the meeting of the Electoral College on October 21, 2021 made abusive and malicious assertions; imputed false and improper motives, and cast negative reflections on the character and impartiality of all Independent Senators during said proceedings of the Electoral College, and in the media;
BE IT RESOLVED that this Senate censure the unparliamentary conduct of said Opposition Senators who by threat or molestation have attempted to obstruct, impede, influence or interfere with said Independent Senators in the performance of their duties;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a Select Committee be established to consider and report on a code of ethical conduct and behavior for Senators.
(By Senator Anthony Vieira)
Private Motion by Senator Anthony Vieira