

Sustainable Growth (Government’s Policy)

Senate - 1st Session - 6th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS the Government of Trinidad and Tobago has adopted as policy the general objective of sustainable growth;

AND WHEREAS sustainable growth aims at meeting current and future needs of citizens while minimizing the impacts of negative effects of development;

AND WHEREAS economic growth and development worldwide has been accompanied with various negative effects, both nationally and internationally;

BE IT RESOLVED that Government make a full statement to this House on its plans to meet the objectives of sustainable growth with particular regard to involving citizens in planning the development of the country, minimizing negative effects of physical development, enforcement of planning decisions and meeting its obligations to international treaties for protection of the environment.

(By Senator Prof. Julian Kenny)

13 Feb 2001
Senate Debate - Day 1Hansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Prof. Julian Kenny [Independent Senator]
2.The Honourable John Humphrey [St. Augustine] [Minister of Integrated Planning and Development]
4.Senator the Honourable Mary King [Independent Senator]
27 Mar 2001
Senate Debate - Day 2Hansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Dr. Tim Gopeesingh [Government Senator]
2.Senator Dr. Ramesh Deosaran [Independent Senator]
3.Senator Joel London [Opposition Senator]
4.Mr. Gerald Yetming [Minister of Finance]
3 Jul 2001
Senate Debate - Day 3Hansard
4 speakersShow Speakers
1. Dr. Roodal Moonilal [Minister in the Ministry of Labour, Manpower Development and Industrial Relations]
2.The Honourable Rennie Dumas [Opposition Senator]
3.Senator Derek Outridge [Independent Senator (Temporary)]
4.Senator Michael Als [Government Senator]