House of Representatives


Approve the Weights and Measures (Amendment) Regulations, 1996

- 1st Session - 5th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS it is provided by section 59 of the Weights and Measures Ordinance, Chap 31 No. 15 that the Governor-in-Council may make regulations prescribing-

  1. the several matters mentioned in this Ordinance to be prescribed by the Governor; and
  2. a table of fees to be taken by the Inspectors for stamping or marking weights or measures under this Ordinance:

AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 59 of the said Ordinance that regulations shall have no force or effect until they have been approved by the Legislative Council;

AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 3(1) of the Existing Laws Amendment Order, 1962 that a reference in any existing laws to the Governor including a reference to the Governor-in-Council shall be read and construed as reference to the Governor General;

AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 5(5)(b) of the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago Act No. 4 of 1976 that any reference to the Governor General shall be read and construed as it were a reference to the President;

AND WHEREAS it is provided by section 6(1) of the Existing Laws Amendment Order, 1963 that for any reference in an existing law to a legislature of the former colony of Trinidad and Tobago there is substituted a reference to Parliament;

AND WHEREAS on the 29th day of May, 1996, the President under section 59 of the Weights and Measures Ordinance, made the regulations entitled "Weights and Measures (Amendment) Regulations, 1996" specified fees were increased;

BE IT RESOLVED that the Weights and Measures (Amendment) Regulations, 1996 be approved.

(By the Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister of Consumer Affairs)

9 Aug 1996
House Debate
4 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Mervyn Assam [St. Joseph] [Minister of Trade and Industry and Consumer Affairs]
2.The Honourable Kenneth Valley [Diego Martin Central] [Opposition Chief Whip]
3.Ms. Pamela Nicholson [Tobago West] [Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs]
4.Senator Mervyn Assam [St. Joseph] [Minister of Trade and Industry and Consumer Affairs]
17 Sep 1996
Senate DebateHansard
3 speakersShow Speakers
1.Senator Mervyn Assam [St. Joseph] [Minister of Trade and Industry and Consumer Affairs]
3.Senator Mervyn Assam [St. Joseph] [Minister of Trade and Industry and Consumer Affairs]