Approve the Notification of the appointment of Mr. Riad Juman to the office of Deputy Director General – Customs and Excise of the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority
House of Representatives - 4th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS section 13(1) of the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority Act, 2021 (Act No. 17 of 2021) provides, inter alia, that the Minister shall, by Notification subject to affirmative resolution of Parliament, appoint the Director General and such number of Deputy Directors General of the Authority as are required;
AND WHEREAS the Minister of Finance has, by Notification dated the 15th day of March, 2024, appointed Mr. Riad Juman to the office of Deputy Director General–Customs and Excise of the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority with effect from the date of his assumption of duty in that office;
AND WHEREAS it is expedient to approve the Notification:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Notification of the appointment of Mr. Riad Juman to the office of Deputy Director General–Customs and Excise of the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority be approved.
(By the Minister of Finance)

20 votes for, 17 votes against, no abstentions

Division: 23 for, six against, one abstention