Approve Salaries and Allowances in the Report on the Determination of Salaries and Allowances of Members of the Board of the Office of Procurement Regulation
House of Representatives - 2nd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
WHEREAS it is provided by section 11(9) of the Public Procurement and Disposal of Public Property Act, 2015 (hereinafter called ?the Act") that the salaries and allowances of the Procurement Regulator and Members of the Board of the Office of Procurement Regulation shall be determined by the Minister of Finance, subject to the approval of Parliament;
AND WHEREAS the Report on the Determination of Salaries and Allowances of Members of the Board of the Office of Procurement Regulation was laid in the House of Representatives on April 21st, 2017:
BE IT RESOLVED that the Salaries and Allowances contained in the Report on the Determination of Salaries and Allowances of Members of the Board of the Office of Procurement Regulation be approved.
(By the Minister of Finance)