House of Representatives


Appointment of Joint Select Committee – Election Campaign Financing

House of Representatives - 5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

WHEREAS by letter dated June 23, 2014 to the Speaker, the House of Representatives was informed of the decision on the Senate that the Parliament appoint a Joint Select Committee to propose a legislative framework to govern the financing of election campaigns and to submit its report with recommendations to both Houses of Parliament within six months of its appointment;

BE IT RESOLVED that this House agree to the establishment of a Joint Select Committee to propose a legislative framework to govern the financing of election campaigns and to submit its report with recommendations to both Houses of Parliament within six months of its appointment.

(By the Leader of the House)

12 Aug 2014
House Debate
1 speakersShow Speakers
1. Dr. Roodal Moonilal [Oropouche East] [Minister of Housing and Urban Development]