
    Monday 3rd April 2023

    3:00 a.m.Within These Walls
    President's House
    3:05 a.m.Commonwealth Week Panel Discussion
    Thursday March 16, 2023
    4:05 a.m.Within These Walls
    Twin Towers
    4:15 a.m.Commonwealth Week Panel Discussion
    Thursday March 16, 2023
    5:15 a.m.The Isle of Man
    Portraits of a Nation
    5:40 a.m.United Nations in Action
    6:00 a.m.This Land is Ours
    6:30 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Dr. Morgan Job
    Muhummad Shabbazz
    7:00 a.m.Within These Walls
    Woodford Square
    Hall of Justice
    7:20 a.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Hector McClean
    7:25 a.m.How Laws are Made
    8:00 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Tubal Uriah Butler
    8:30 a.m.This Land is Ours
    9:00 a.m.Parliamentary Updates
    Commonwealth Youth Parliament Roadshow
    9:30 a.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Prof. Judith Gobin
    9:45 a.m.Interview Corner
    Stphen Twigg
    9:50 a.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken Word
    Denicia Thomas and Kennisha Cumberbatch
    10:00 a.m.International Women's Day Interview 2023
    Abeni Taylor
    10:05 a.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken Word
    Ronaldo Mohammed
    10:10 a.m.International Women's Day Interview 2023
    Ingrid Lashley
    10:15 a.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken Word
    Denicia Thomas and Kennisha Cumberbatch
    10:25 a.m.Interview Corner
    Hon. Moses Frank Moyo, MP
    10:35 a.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Winston Dookeran
    11:20 a.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken Word
    Mishael Henry
    11:25 a.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Arlene Villarule
    11:40 a.m.Interview Corner
    Stephen Twigg
    11:45 a.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken WordParliamentary Personalities
    Denicia Thomas and Kennisha Cumberbatch
    11:50 a.m.Interview Corner
    Anita Haynes
    11:55 a.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Arlene Villarule
    12:05 p.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken Word
    Renessa John
    12:10 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Elspeth Duncan
    12:15 p.m.Interview Corner
    Hon. Moses Frank Moyo, MP
    12:25 p.m.Commonwealth Day Spoken Word
    Mishael Henry
    12:30 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Winston Dookeran
    1:20 p.m.International Women's Day Interview
    Erla Harewood-Christopher
    1:25 p.m.For the Record
    Mr. Thokozani Kamanga
    1:30 p.m.Sitting of the Senate
    Tuesday March 28, 2023
    6:25 p.m.Democracy
    6:50 p.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Gang of Three
    7:00 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Lloyd Best
    7:35 p.m.This Land is Ours
    8:05 p.m.Parliamentry Personalities
    Dr. Morgan Job
    Muhummad Shabbazz
    8:30 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Woodford Square
    Hall of Justice
    8:50 p.m.Parliamentary Exceptions
    Hector McClean
    9:00 p.m.How Laws are Made
    9:30 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Tubal Uriah Butler
    10:00 p.m.This Land is Ours
    10:30 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Basdeo Panday
    11:30 p.m.Parliamentary Personalities
    Winston Dookeran