9th Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The President granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Timothy Hamel-Smith, Acting as President of the Republic of Trinidad & Tobago and Sen. Prof. Harold Ramkissoon who is currently out of the country. Mr. Rabindra Moonan and Dr. Lennox Bernard were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Hamel-Smith and Ramkissoon respectively during their absence.
The Vice President of the Senate advised the House of Motions approved by the House of Representatives for the establishment of Joint Select Committees (JSCs) to consider the Legislative Proposal to provide for public procurement and disposal of public property together with the Legislative Proposal to repeal and replace the Central Tenders Board Act and on Parliamentary Accommodation.
The Vice President announced that Mr. Neil Jaggassar, Clerk of the Senate, will retire from the Public Service on November 26, 2011 after serving tirelessly and with a record of over 40 years of dedicated service to the people and the Parliament of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) Bill, 2011 was brought from the House of Representatives by the Minister of Public Utilities who moved that the next stage of the Bill be taken at a sitting of the Senate to be held on Tuesday November 29, 2011. This was approved by the Senate.
There are eleven Papers to be laid. See the Order Paper.
The Leader of Government Business moved a motion for six members from the Senate to be appointed as members of the Joint Select Committee to consider the Legislative Proposal to provide for public procurement and disposal of public property together with the Legislative Proposal to repeal and replace the Central Tenders Board Act and on Parliamentary Accommodation.
Debate is expected to continue on a Motion by Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds which asks the Senate to take note of the strengths and deficiencies of the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service and its impact and potential in the fight against crime. Sen. Pennelope Beckles continues with her contribution which began during the 7th Sitting of the Senate, October 25, 2011. Further contributions were made by Sen. Dr. Lennox Bernard, Sen. Rabindra Moonan, Sen. Terrence Deyalsingh and Sen. Dr. James Armstrong. Debate on the Motion was suspended.
Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds raised as a Matter on the Motion for the adjournment of the Senate, “the necessity on the part of the government to retain the Police/Army out-posts in the so-called crime “hot-spots” at Charford Court, Charlotte Street, Port of Spain; Fort Picton and Lady Young Road, Morvant, in order to more effectively manage crime in these areas.” The Minister of National Security responded.
Before adjourning tributes were paid in the Senate to Mr. Neil Jaggassar, Clerk of the Senate, who retires from the public service on November 26, 2011. The LEader of Government Business in the Senate indicated that debate would commence on the Administration of Justice (Indictable Proceedings) Bill, 2011. The sitting adjourned at 6:32 p.m.