9th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
Leave of Absence was granted to Sen. the Hon. Jerry Narace. Senator Foster Cummings was sworn in to replace Sen. Narace from 11 March 2008 and during his absence from Trinidad and Tobago.
Mr. President announced the death on 5 March 2008 of former Senator Bissoondath Ojah-Maharaj. Tributes were paid to the former Senator by Sen. the Hon. Hazel Manning, Sen. Wade Mark, Sen. Basharat Ali and Sen the Hon. Danny Montano. Members of the Senate then stood in silence for one minute.
Three questions were answered (14, 20 and 27). The remaining questions were deferred. See the Order Paper for details.
Three responses to questions were circulated (1, 38 and 39). See the Order Paper for details.
Debate continued (From Tuesday March 4, 2008) on the Basel Convention (Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer) Bill, 2008. Six Senators spoke on the Bill before debate was suspended until the next sitting.
Senator Mark raised the matter. Response by the Minister in the Ministry of Finance (Sen. the Hon. Mariano Browne)
Senator Mark raised the matter. Response by the Minister in the Ministry of Finance (Sen. the Hon. Mariano Browne).
On the next occasion, debate is expected to continue on the Basel Convention (Regional Centre for Training and Technology Transfer) Bill, 2008 and begin on the Caribbean Court of Justice Headquarters Bill, 2008.