9th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Two (2) Papers were laid in the name of the Minister of Finance. See the Order Paper for details.
Three questions qualified for oral answer. The answers to all three (3) questions were deferred for one week. See the Order Paper for details.
A private motion was moved by Senator Wade Mark to ask Government to annul the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Selection Process) Order, 2015. The Senator further moved that another similar motion be debated in conjunction and this was agreed upon. This motion asked Government to annul the appointment of the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Qualification and Selection Criteria) Order. Both motions were not approved.
The Sitting concluded at 10:49 p.m. The Senate adjourned to Monday January 25th 2016 at 1:30 p.m.