9th Sitting of the Senate
5th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Twenty-eight papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
One report was presented. See Order Paper for details.
One urgent question was posed and answered. See Order Paper.
Three questions qualified for oral answer. See Order Paper. All questions were answered.
The Leader of Government Business, Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne, moved a motion that Sen. the Hon. Allyson West be appointed to a Special Select Committee appointed to consider and report on the St. Dominic’s Children’s Home (Incorporation) Bill, 2023 , in lieu of Ms. Laurel Lezama-Lee Sing. The motion was approved.
Opposition Senator Wade Mark moved a private motion calling on the Government to reaffirm its commitment to introduce a legislative framework on Parliamentary Autonomy and to introduce in Parliament, within three (3) months, a Bill on Parliamentary Autonomy and have same referred to a Joint Select Committee of Parliament for consideration and report. Six senators contributed to the debate before the adjournment of the sitting.
Opposition Senator, Sen. Wade Mark, raised a matter on the adjournment regarding the need for urgent government intervention to address the growing deficit in PETROTRIN employees’ pension plan. The Minister of Finance, Hon. Colm Imbert, MP, responded.
Independent Senator, Sen. Anthony Vieira, raised a matter namely the need for legislative reform to enhance judicial independence and establish judicial autonomy in Trinidad and Tobago. The Attorney General, Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour, S.C., responded.
The Sitting concluded at 6:35 p.m.