House of Representatives


9th Sitting of the House of Representatives

1st Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Thursday 16 September, 2010
1:30 PM
Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year 2011) Bill, 2010

Debate resumed (from September 15, 2010) on the Appropriation (Financial Year 2011) Bill, 2010. The Minister of Justice was first to enter the debate, making his maiden contribution, followed by the Minister of Education, the Member for Point Fortin and the Minister of the People and Social Development. 13 Members made contributions before debate on the Bill was suspended.

The House adjourned at Friday September 17, 2010 at 1:30 p.m.

At the next sitting, the House is expected to complete debate on the Appropriation (Financial Year 2011) Bill, 2010. The House adjourned at approximately 3:25 a.m.