8th Sitting of the Senate
5th Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon and Sen. David Nakhid, who are out of the country. Mr. Ndale Young and Mr. Dominic Smith were appointed temporary senators in their place.
Temporary Senators Young and Smith took the oath of allegiance.
The President of the Senate, Sen. the Hon. Nigel de Freitas, informed of appointments to the Sessional Select Committees of the Senate for the 5th Session.
The President of the Senate paid tribute to former Clerk of the Senate, Mr. Russell Griffith, who passed away on December 27, 2024. Mr. Griffith served as Clerk of the Senate for 12 years from 1975 to 1987. A minute of silence was observed.
The National Emblems of Trinidad and Tobago (Regulation) (Amendment) Bill, 2025 was brought from the House of Representatives in the name of the Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell, who moved that the next stage of the bill be taken later in the proceedings. The motion was carried.
The Tobago Island Government Bill, 2021 was brought from the House of Representatives in the name of the Minister of Housing and Urban Development.
Thirty-two papers were laid. See Order Paper.
Six reports were presented. See Order Paper.
Six questions qualified for oral answer. All questions were answered.
The Attorney General, Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour, made a statement on the Final Report of the Investigative Team appointed by the Honourable Attorney General to inquire and report into the facts and circumstances surrounding CV 2020-01243 Shervon Peters and The Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago.
The Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts, Sen. the Hon. Randall Mitchell, moved the second reading of The National Emblems of Trinidad and Tobago (Regulation) (Amendment) Bill, 2025. Sixteen senators contributed to the debate before the wind up by the Minister of Tourism, Culture and the Arts. The bill was then committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. No amendments were made. The bill was read a third time and passed.
Independent Senator, Sen. Anthony Vieira, raised a matter on the adjournment regarding the scourge of domestic violence. The Attorney General, Sen. the Hon. Reginald Armour, S.C. responded.
Opposition Senator, Sen. Wade Mark, raised a matter on the adjournment regarding the growing monopolization of the pharmaceutical industry by a small clique and its negative impact on market dynamics and prices. The Leader of Government Business, Sen. the Hon. Dr. Amery Browne, responded.
The Sitting concluded at 10:12 p.m.