8th Sitting of the House of Representatives
5th Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Hon. Brig. Gen. (Retired) Ancil Antoine, MP for D’Abadie / O’Meara, from Sittings of the House during the period November 16-29, 2019 and to Dr. Lackram Bodoe, MP for Fyzabad from today’s Sitting of the House.
The Bail (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill, 2019 was brought from the Senate in the name of the Attorney General.
Twelve papers were laid. See Order Paper for details.
Hon. Ayanna Webster-Roy, MP for Tobago East, lodged a petition on behalf of the Tobago Council for Handicapped Children of 43-45 Signal Hill Road, Tobago requesting a change of name of the organisation, via private bill, to the Tobago Council for Children With Disabilities. The petitioner was granted leave to proceed.
Four reports were presented.
Ten questions were posed to the Prime Minister by Opposition Members.
Two urgent questions were posed.
The Attorney General, Hon. Faris Al-Rawi, MP, made a statement on the Cannabis Control Bill, 2019 and the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 2019.
Four bills were introduced, the Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2019, the Kabir Association of Trinidad (Incorporation) (Amendment) Bill, 2019, the Cannabis Control Bill, 2019 and the Dangerous Drugs (Amendment) Bill, 2019
Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie, MP, moved a Private Motion asking the House to agree that the Government develop a holistic and sustainable national response to climate change inclusive of solutions to the perennial flooding in Trinidad and Tobago and the effective management of drought conditions and the impact of such disasters on the quality of human life. Debate began on the motion.
The Sitting concluded at 5:30 p.m. The House adjourned to Wednesday November 27, 2019 at 1:30 p.m.