8th Sitting of the House of Representatives
4th Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Chaguanas West and the Member for Moruga/Tableland from today’s sitting. The Speaker also granted leave of absence to the Member for San Fernando East for a period of 94 days beginning on September 29, 2013.
The Leader of the House, the Leader of the Opposition and the Speaker of the House paid tribute to former Minister of National Security, Brig. Joseph Theodore, and to Mr. Ravindra Ramrattan, who was killed in a terrorist attack in Kenya in September 2013.
The Speaker read communication from the President of the Senate indicating Senate appointments to various Joint Select Committees.
The Speaker read the constitutional provisions pertaining to the process to declare a seat of the House vacant. He subsequently declared the St. Joseph seat vacant.
Three Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
Three questions qualify for oral answer. One question was answered.
The Member for Diego Martin North/East moved a motion asking the Government to, inter alia, terminate existing contracts with SNC Lavalin for the Penal Hospital Project and to subject all future projects to open and transparent tendering. The Minister of Housing and Urban Development was the first to enter the debate. During his contribution debate on the Motion was suspended.
Before adjourning, the House reverted to Statements by Ministers. The Prime Minister made a statement announcing the date of the St. Joseph by-election as November 4, 2013.
The House adjourns to a date to be fixed. Before adjourning, tributes were paid to the people of Trinidad and Tobago on the occasion of Republic Day, which was commemorated on September 24th. The sitting ended at 4:45 p.m.