8th Sitting of the House of Representatives
3rd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Couva North (Nov1030) and to the Member for Tobago West, Oropouche West and La Horquetta/Talparo (today’s sitting). The Speaker also read a letter from the President of the Senate indicating the Senate’s decision to refer the Gambling (Gaming and Betting) Control Bill and the Cybercrime Bill to Joint Select Committees, that those Committees be mandated to adopt the work done by previous Committees in the Second Session and that the Committees report by March 31, 2018.
The Speaker then ruled on a matter of privilege involving statements made by the Prime Minister on September 16, 2017.
63 Papers were laid. See the Order Paper, Supplemental Order Paper and Second Supplemental Order Paper. Access available electronic copies of Papers laid on this day via our Dropbox Folder.
There were ten urgent questions to be answered. All questions were answered. See the questions in the Order Paper.
The Member for Caroni East sought leave to raise as a definite matter, the non payment of caterers of the school feeding programme. The Speaker indicated that the matter did not qualify under this Standing Order.
Four Bills were introduced. See the Third Supplemental Order Paper.
The Minister of Finance moved a Motion asking the House to confirm the Provisional Collection of Taxes Order, 2017. The Member for Oropouche East was first to enter the debate, followed by the Attorney General, the Member for Caroni Central and the Minister of National Security. 12 Members made contributions before the Minister of Finance rose to conclude. The Motion was approved.
The Member for Tabaquite raised as a matter on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House, the delay in opening the Gasparillo Early Childhood Education Center.” The Minister of Education responded.