7th Sitting of the Senate
3rd Session - 10th Republican Parliament
The President of the Senate granted leave of absence to Sen. Lyndira Oudit and Sen. the Hon. Kevin Ramnarine. Rev. Barbara Gray-Burke and Mr. Wayne Munro were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Oudit and Ramnarine respectivly during their absence.
The President of the Senate read a letter from the Speaker of the House informing the Senate about the appointment of Mr. Collin Partap to the Public Accounts Committee, replacing Dr. Rupert Griffith.
The President granted approval for three letters to be read into the record from Attorneys Reginald Amour, Elena Araujo and Ian Benjamin, seeking correction to a statement made by the Attorney General during debate on the Appropriation (Financial Year 2013) Bill, 2012.
31 Papers were laid. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper.
Seven Questions qualify for oral answer. All questions were answered. See the Order Paper.
The President moved that the University of the Southern Caribbean (Incorporation) Bill, 2012. be read a first time.
The Minister of the Environment and Water Resources moved that the next stage of the Bill be taken at a sitting of the Senate on Tuesday November 27, 2012. Leave was granted.
The Leader of Government Business moved that the Senate agree to the appointment of the following Members to the Joint Select Committee – The Securities Bill, 2012. Mr. Larry Howai, Mr. Vasant Bharath, Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie, Dr. Lester Henry and Mr. Elton Prescott, SC.
The Leader of Government Business in the Senate moved that Ms. Marlene Coudray be appointed to the Public Accounts (Enterprises) Committee in place of Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie. Leave was granted.
Sen. Fitzgerald Hinds moved a Private Motion which asks the Government to commit to the principles and the practice of democracy in Trinidad and Tobago. The Minister of Justice was first to enter the debate, followed by Sen. Subhas Ramkhelawan. Debate on the Motion was suspended.
Before adjourning, tributes were paid in the Senate to former Independent Senator Angela Cropper, who passed away earlier in November 2012.
Before adjourning, tributes were paid in the Senate to former Independent Senator Angela Cropper, who passed away earlier in November 2012.