7th Sitting of the Senate
2nd Session - 11th Republican Parliament
Leave of absence was granted to Sen. the Hon. Franklin Khan, Sen. Daniel Solomon and Sen. Wayne Sturge who are ill. Leave was also granted to Sen. Jennifer Raffoul and Sen. Taurel Shrikissoon, who are out of the country. Ms. Alisha Romano continued to serve as a temporary Senator in place of Sen. the Hon. Franklin Khan. Pundit Basdeo Seetahal, Dr. Maulana Mohammed, Mr. Nikoli Edwards and Pastor Clive Dottin were appointed as temporary Senators in place of Senators Solomon, Sturge, Raffoul and Shrikissoon respectively.
Temporary Senators Ms. Alisha Romano, Dr. Maulana Mohammed, Mr. Nikoli Edwards, Pastor Clive Dottin and Mr. Basdeo Seetahal took their oaths of allegiance.
The President announced that at a meeting of the House of Representatives on Friday January 6, 2017, the House agreed to the establishment of a Joint Select Committee to consider and report on the Tax Information Exchange Agreements Bill 2016.
Tributes were paid to former Senators Surendranath Capildeo and Nicholas Simonette who passed away on December 24 and December 29, 2016 respectively. A minute of silence was observed.
Nine Papers were laid in the names of the Minister of Finance, Attorney General and Vice-President of the Senate. See Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper for details.
Two urgent questions were posed. See Order Paper for details.
Three questions qualified for oral answer. See Order Paper for details.
Senator Wade Mark made a request for leave to move the adjournment of the House on a definite matter of urgent public importance namely the failure of the Government to address the ever lurking crime surge in Trinidad and Tobago. The President of the Senate was not satisfied that this matter qualified under Standing Order (16).
Sen. the Hon. Paula Gopee-Scoon moved a motion that the Senate concur with the House of Representatives in the establishment of a Joint Select Committee to consider and report on the Tax Information Exchange Agreements Bill, 2016 and the appointment of six Senators to the Committee. The motion was approved.
Debate commenced on the Miscellaneous Provisions (Marriage) Bill, 2016. Debate on this Bill will continue at the next Sitting.
Senator H.R. Ian Roach raised a matter on the adjournment namely the failure of the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs to establish and implement in policy for the use of the Hasely Crawford Stadium and the Jean Pierre Complex in relation to the rental of the track and field for non sporting events especially during the Carnival period. Hon. Darryl Smith, Minister of Sport and Youth Affairs responded.
The Sitting concluded at 9:32 p.m. The Senate adjourned to Tuesday January 17, 2017 at 1:30 p.m.