7th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 12th Republican Parliament
Three Papers were laid. See the Order Paper.
One report was presented. See the Order Paper.
Nine Prime Minister’s Questions were approved. See the Order Paper.
There were four Questions on Notice. See the Order Paper.
The Miscellaneous Provisions (2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Vaccination Personnel) Bill, 2021 was introduced in the name of the Attorney General, who moved that the next stage of the bill be taken later in the proceedings. The motion was approved.
The Leader of the House moved that the House approve several changes in membership of Committees. The House agreed.
The Minister of Finance moved the second reading of the Trinidad and Tobago Revenue Authority Bill, 2021. Debate began with the Leader of the Opposition, The Attorney General, the Member for Barataria/San Juan and the Minister in the Ministry of Finance, during whose contribution debate was adjourned.
The Attorney General moved the second reading of the Miscellaneous Provisions (2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Vaccination Personnel) Bill, 2021. Four Members contributed to the debate before the wind up by the Attorney General. The Bill was committed to a Committee of the Whole for consideration clause by clause. The Bill was read a third time and passed, with amendments.
Mr. David Lee, MP for Pointe-a-Pierre, raised a matter on the adjournment namely the destruction of homes, threat to life and disaster brought upon the residents of the Belle Vue community, Windsor Park, as a result of Estate Management and Business Development Company sanctioned quarrying activities. The Minister of Agriculture, Land and Fisheries, Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat, responded.
Ms. Anita Haynes, MP for Tabaquite, raised a matter regarding bringing into production the use of the Brothers Road Packing House, Brickfield Facility. Sen. the Hon. Clarence Rambharat responded.
The Sitting concluded at 6:30 p.m.