House of Representatives


4th Sitting of the House of Representatives

5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Friday 12 September, 2014
10:00 AM
Announcements By The Speaker/Deputy Speaker
Announcements / Leave of Absence

Leave of Absence was granted to the Member for San Fernando East. The Speaker then made an announcement relating to the revised procedures for Standing Finance Committee.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Appropriation (Financial Year - 2015) Bill, 2014

The Speaker proposed the question that the Appropriation (Financial Year 2015) Bill, 2014 be read a second time. Debate on the budget for fiscal 2014 resumed with the Leader of the Opposition being the first to respond to the presentation made by the Minister of Finance and the Economy on September 8, 2014. The Member for Oropouche East was next to contribute on the Bill followed by the Member for La Brea, the Minister of Energy and Energy Affairs and the Opposition Member for Laventille East/Morvant. The Member for Couva North then made her contribution followed by the Member for Arouca/ Maloney, the Minister of Arts and Multiculturalism, the Member for Couva South, the Member for Caroni Central, the Minister of Tobago Development, the Member for Cumuto/Manzanilla and the Minister of National Diversity and Social Integration

The House adjourned to Monday September 15, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.

At the next sitting, debate on the budget for fiscal 2015 is expected to continue. The sitting ended at 12:25 a.m. on Saturday September 13, 2014.