44th Sitting of the House of Representatives
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Speaker granted leave of absence to the Member for Toco/Sangre Grande, the Member for Couva South, the Member for Siparia and the Member for Princes Town North from today’s sitting.
Five Papers were laid. The Leader of the House laid three papers on behalf of the Minister of Education, the Minister of National Security and the Minister of Public Administration. See the Order Paper and Supplemental Order Paper for details.
34 Questions qualified for oral answer. The Leader of the House indicated that the Government was in a position to answer ten questions (60, 188, 196, 214, 216, 219, 222, 223, 233, 237). The remaining questions were deferred for two weeks. See the Order Paper for details of the questions.
Three Questions qualify for written answer.
The Member for Diego Martin West raised a matter of privilege concerning matters raised by the Prime Minister during his contribution on the Appropriation Bill, 2009 in the House on September 30, 2008. The Speaker indicated that he would have to consider the matter in detail and report to the House at a later date.
Two Bills, the Status of Children (Amendment) Bill, 2008 and the Data Protection Bill, 2008, were introduced. The Bills are in the name of the Minister of Social Development and the Minister of Information respectively.
The Minister of Finance moved the Second Reading of the Financial Institutions Bill, 2008. She was followed in the debate by the Member for St. Augustine, the Member for Tunapuna and the Member for Caroni East, during whose contribution the Prime Minister rose to make a Statement.
The Prime Minister made a statement about matters he raised about the Cleaver Heights Housing Development during his contribution on the Appropriation Bill, 2009 [on September 30, 2008]. The Prime Minister indicated that the entire matter would be referred to the Commission of Enquiry into the construction sector.
The Member for Caroni East then resumed his contribution on the Financial Institutions Bill, 2008, followed by the Member for Port-of-Spain South. In all, seven members made interventions before the Minister of Finance concluded the debate. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed with one amendment. Since the Bill required a special majority a division was taken, the result of which was 30 for and none against.
The Member for Cumuto/Manzanilla raised the matter of the overbilling of customers by The Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC) following the implementation of increased rates. The Minister of Public Utilities responded to the matter.
The House adjourned to a date to be fixed. The Leader of the House indicated that the likely date of resumption would be Wednesday November 26, 2008 at which time the House would resume debate on the Children Bill, 2008.