40th Sitting of the Senate
4th Session - 8th Republican Parliament
The President of the Senate (Sen. the Hon. Dr Linda Baboolal) granted leave of absence from the sitting to Sen. The Hon. Dr. Lenny Saith, Sen. The Hon. Conrad Enill, Sen. The Hon. Howard Chin Lee, Sen. Ato Boldon, Sen. Raziah Ahmed and Sen. Angela Cropper, who were out of the country and Sen. Prof. Kenneth Ramchand.
Six persons were sworn in as temporary Senators. They were Mrs. Joan Hackshaw-Marslin (for Sen. the Hon. Dr. Lenny Saith), Ms. Rose Janniere (for Sen. the Hon. Conrad Enill), Mr. Nileung R. Hypolite (for Sen. the Hon. Howard Chin-Lee), Mr. Wayne Munro (for Sen. Ato Boldon), Mr. Anil Juteram (for Sen. Raziah Ahmed) and Prof. David Picou (for Sen. Angela Cropper).
The President of the Senate, on behalf of the Senate, welcomed to the sitting the Governor of Delaware of the United States of America, Miss Ann Ruth Minner, and Major General Francis Vavala.
Tributes were paid to Sen. Dr. Shastri Moonan, who was a member of the Senate at the time of his death on September 10, 2006 by Sen. the Hon. Joan Yuille-Williams, Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh, Sen. Basharat Ali, and Sen. the Hon. Dr. Linda Baboolal. The Senate then stood for a minute of silence.
The Finance (Supplementary Appropriation) Bill, 2006, which was passed in the House of Representatives on 8 September 2006, was read a first time in the Senate. The Minister in the Ministry of Finance Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo) moved that the next stage of the Bill be taken later in the proceedings. Leave was granted.
The State Lands (Amendment) Bill, 2006, which was passed in the House of Representatives on September 6, 2006 was read a first time in the Senate. The Bill is in the name of the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources (Hon. Jarrette Narine, MP)
Two Papers were laid, one in the name of the Minister in the Ministry of Finance (Sen. the Hon. Christine Sahadeo) and the other in the name of the President of the Senate (Sen. the Hon. Dr. Linda Baboolal). See the Supplemental Order Paper for details.
Three questions qualified for oral answer on the Order Paper in the name of Sen. Wade Mark. In the absence of Sen. Mark all three questions were deferred.
Sen. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh sought leave of the Senate to move under Standing Order 12(2) a Definite Matter of Urgent Public Importance. The President ruled that the matter did not qualify under the relevant standing order and leave was denied. The President suggested that the Matter be resubmitted under Standing Order 11(1)