

3rd Sitting of the Senate

5th Session - 10th Republican Parliament

Wednesday 20 August, 2014
1:30 PM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Announcements / Leave of Absence

The Vice President of the Senate granted leave of absence Sen. the Hon. Timothy Hamel-Smith who is out of the country.

The Vice-President then read a letter from the President of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago appointing Ms. Keitha Smith as a temporary Senator. Mr. Daniel Solomon and Dr. Sharon Le Gall continued to serve as Temporary Senators for the day’s sitting.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Miscellaneous Provisions (Proceeds of Crime, Anti-Terrorism, Financial Intelligence Unit of Trinidad and Tobago) (No. 2) Bill, 2014

The debate on the following Bill which was in progress when the Senate adjourned on
Tuesday August 19, 2014 was resumed. The Minister of Finance resumed his wind up of the debate. He then moved that the Bill be considered clause by clause by a committee of the Senate. The Bill was considered and passed with amendments. It was then read a third time and passed. At third reading, a division was taken, the result of which was 30 members voting for, none against, no abstentions.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday August 26, 2014 at 1:30 p.m.

At the next sitting, debate is expected to begin on the Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2014. The sitting ended at 6:55 p.m.