

3rd Sitting of the Senate

3rd Session - 9th Republican Parliament

Tuesday 19 January, 2010
10:00 AM
Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Leave of Absence

The President granted leave of absence to Sen. the Hon. Dr. Lenny Saith (illness) and to Sen. Subhas Ramkhelawan (out of the country). Mr. Noel Gayle and Ms. Althea Rocke were appointed to temporarily replace Senators Saith and Ramkhelawan respectively

Announcements By The President/Vice-President
Appointment of Sessional Select Committees

The President also announced the Membership of the four sessional select Committees of the Senate.

Two Papers

The Leader of Government Business laid two papers on behalf of the Minister of Trade and Industry and Minister in the Ministry of Finance. See the Order Paper for details.

Government Business: Bills Second Reading
The Anti-Terrorism (Amendment)(No.2) Bill, 2010

Debate resumed (from January 18, 2010) on the Anti-Terrorism (Amendment)(No.2) Bill, 2010. Sen. Dr. Jennifer Kernahan was first to contribute, followed by Sen. Prof. Ramesh Deosaran and Sen. Dr. Sharon-ann Gopaul McNicol. Seven members made contributions (15 overall) before the Minister concluded the debate. The Bill was considered in Committee and passed with amendments. At third reading, the Bill was passed by a division of 24 for, 0 against, 6 abstentions.

The Senate adjourned to Tuesday January 26, 2010 at 1:30 p.m.

At its next sitting, the Senate is expected to consider Private Business. The sitting ended at 5:40 p.m.