38th Sitting of the Senate
1st Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The President granted leave of absence to Sen. June Melville and Sen. Wade Mark, who were both out of the country. Dr. Daphne Phillips was appointed to serve during the absence of Sen. Mark.
One Paper in the name of the Minister of Trade and Industry was laid by the Attorney General. See the Order Paper for details.
Three Questions qualify for written answer. The responses to Questions 97 and 98 (addressed to the Minister of Finance, and the Minister of Agriculture, Land and Marine Resources respectively) were circulated. See the Order Paper for details.
The Minister of Community Development, Culture and Gender Affairs moved the second reading of the Trinidad and Tobago National Steel Orchestra Corporation Bill, 2008 [Progress], which was passed in the House of Representatives on 11 April 2008. Contributions were made by eight Senators before the Minister concluded the debate. Due to issues raised during the debate, the Bill was referred to a Special Select Committee of the Senate, which was mandated to report within 21 days.
At its next sitting the House will consider the Prison Service (Amendment) Bill, 2008 and the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2008. The sitting adjourned at 7 p.m.