38th Sitting of the House of Representatives
2nd Session - 9th Republican Parliament
The Minister of Finance laid one Paper. See the Order Paper.
Nine Questions qualify for written answer. See the Order Paper for details.
The Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2009 was read a first time in the name of the Attorney General.
The Member for Oropouche East sought leave to raise as a definite matter of urgent public importance the issue of the circumstances imposed on Chinese nationals employed in labour contracts in Trinidad and Tobago. The Speaker ruled that the matter was worthy of discussion and it was stood down until 6 p.m.
The Member for Caroni East sought leave to raise as a definite matter the status of communication strategies to inform the public about the Influenza A H1N1 virus. The Speaker ruled that the matter did not qualify.
The Attorney General moved the Second Reading of the Commissions of Enquiry (Validation and Immunity from Proceedings) Bill, 2009, which was debated and passed in the Senate on October 1, 2009. Four members made contributions after the Attorney General before debate was suspended at 6 p.m.
At 6 p.m. debate on the Bill was suspended to allow for the Define Matter approved for consideration to be raised by the Member for Oropouche East. The Minister of Labour, Small and Micro-Enterprise Development.
Following the definite matter, debate resumed on the Commissions of Enquiry (Validation and Immunity from Proceedings) Bill, 2009, with the Member for Chaguanas West being first to contribute, followed by the Leader of the House. During the latter’s contribution, debate on the Bill was suspended.
The Member for Cumuto/Manzanilla raised as a Matter on the Adjournment, the failure of the Government to construct the Biche Presbyterian School. The Minister of Education responded.
At this sitting debate is expected to conclude on the Commissions of Enquiry (Validation and Immunity from Proceedings) Bill, 2009.